Ji'an City held a promotion meeting on food safety supervision and campus food safety deepening action

On the morning of March 6, the Ji'an City Food Safety Supervision Work and Campus Food Safety Deepening Action Promotion Meeting was held at the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau. Xu Feng, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Comrades in charge of the market supervision bureaus of each county (city, district) and Jingkai District Branch, comrades in charge of food safety supervision, personnel who participated in this campus food safety cross-spot inspection, all personnel of the food-related departments of the Municipal Bureau, and responsible persons of the Law Enforcement Inspection Bureau of the Municipal Bureau More than 60 people including comrades and food law enforcement officers attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed the spirit of the symposium on food safety work in the province's market supervision system. Food safety-related departments reported on their work in 2023 and deployed various key tasks in 2024. The meeting also specially deployed the city's campus food safety deepening action and cross-spot inspection work.

The meeting pointed out that the current food safety supervision in the city still has five problems: insufficient overall coordination and governance capabilities, weak supervision and enforcement, weak sampling inspections, lax work style, and low level of grassroots food safety supervision. Food safety risks still exist. exist.

The meeting emphasized that the overall approach to the city's food safety supervision work in 2024 is to firstly consolidate the responsibilities of all parties involved in food safety, improve the "four-party responsibility" system of territorial responsibilities, supervisory responsibilities, supervisory responsibilities, and principal responsibilities, and improve the city's comprehensive food safety management. level. Second, efforts should be made to solve outstanding issues of concern to the public, focusing on rectifying food safety problems in centralized dining units such as schools, nursing homes, and medical institutions, so as to improve people's satisfaction with food safety. Third, we must strengthen strict supervision of food safety throughout the entire process, pay close attention to key links such as production, circulation, and catering, strengthen full-chain management such as process supervision, random inspection monitoring, and law enforcement crackdowns, and make every effort to resolve food safety risks.

The meeting requested that the goal of the city's food safety supervision work in 2024 is to maintain the bottom line, outperform risks, and serve the city's high-quality development with high-quality supervision. First, we must improve our stance on implementation, follow the "four strictest" requirements, firmly establish a people-centered development philosophy, and resolutely build a solid defense line for food safety. The second is to improve the mechanism and implement it, establish and improve working mechanisms such as food safety information collection and submission mechanism, emergency response mechanism, assessment and punishment mechanism, "whistleblower" reporting and reward mechanism, supervision, random inspection, verification and disposal, etc., and scientifically control risks through sound systems . The third is to enhance skills and implement implementation, and improve the ability level of supervisory personnel by organizing training, preparing supervision work manuals, and incorporating professional skills into cadre assessments; regular cross-spot inspections are organized to evaluate the quantity and quality of problems found by each spot inspection team, and Incorporate the content of food safety assessment and evaluation in various regions to promote supervisory personnel to improve their professional level.

The meeting also focused on the implementation of the "two responsibilities" guarantee work, the risk classification of food production and operation entities and information publicity boards, the establishment of a food safety governance demonstration city, the construction of a centralized processing demonstration area for small food workshops, the high-quality development of the camellia oil industry, and many other tasks. This year's key tasks include dealing with companies that fail batch inspections.

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