Those things about the export of agricultural products - Lnnuts

Before conducting agricultural export trade, market research is required. This includes information on understanding the needs of the target market, market competition, local regulations and standards, etc. The purpose of market research is to determine the type, specifications, packaging and other details of the exported products, as well as to determine the appropriate pricing strategy. For example, in the agricultural market exported to China, it is necessary to understand the demand of Chinese consumers for different agricultural products, for example, for fruits, Chinese consumers prefer fruit varieties with high sweetness and good taste. At the same time, it is also necessary to understand China's regulations and standards to ensure that export products meet China's import requirements.

Export of agricultural products needs to meet the relevant quality standards of the importing country, otherwise they may be refused entry. Therefore, quality control is required before export to ensure that the exported products meet quality standards. Quality control includes the control of the planting, picking and processing of agricultural products, as well as the testing and inspection of export products. For example, when exporting fruit, it is necessary to strictly control the size, color, sweetness, nutrient content, etc. of the fruit.

In the export trade of agricultural products, logistics and transportation are very important links. Because agricultural products are perishable, they need to be delivered to their destination in a short time to ensure the freshness and quality of the products. At the same time, it is also necessary to choose a reliable logistics partner to ensure that there are no problems during transportation. The specific problems of logistics and transportation include the following aspects: transportation mode: it is necessary to choose the appropriate transportation mode according to the type of product and destination, such as air, sea, land, etc. Packaging methods: Different agricultural products need to use different packaging methods to protect the products from damage, such as cartons, wooden boxes, plastic wrap, etc. Transportation time and temperature: According to the characteristics of the product, the transportation time and temperature need to be determined to ensure the freshness and quality of the product. Transportation insurance: In order to avoid accidental losses during transportation, you need to purchase transportation insurance.

Tariffs and Trade Barriers When conducting agricultural export trade, it is necessary to understand the tariff policies and trade barriers of the target country. If the target country imposes high tariffs or other trade barriers, it may lead to higher export costs and reduce the competitiveness of products. For example, when exporting agricultural products from the European Union, it is necessary to understand the tariff policy of the European Union and apply for an import license and health certificate from the EU according to the relevant requirements.

Marketing strategies are also very important in the export trade of agricultural products. According to market demand and competition, it is necessary to design appropriate marketing strategies to increase product awareness and sales. Marketing strategy includes understanding the consumption habits and needs of the target market, identifying the unique selling points of the product, choosing the right sales channel, designing marketing promotions, etc. For example, in agricultural products exported to the Asian market, marketing activities can be carried out through online platforms and e-commerce channels to increase product exposure and sales. At the same time, it can expand the sales channels of products by establishing partnerships with local agricultural chambers of commerce and retailers.

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