One of the world's agricultural exporters and producers: China

China is the world's largest agricultural country and the world's largest importer of agricultural products! Not surprisingly, vegetables have become China’s most exported crop, with annual export volume reaching 12.91 million tons! China deserves the title of “Vegetable Growers”! When it comes to growing vegetables,  China is definitely number one in the world! Fish and seafood have become China’s second most exported crops, but their export value ranks first, several times that of vegetables! China's fish and seafood are mainly exported to Japan and South Korea.
China is a major agricultural country with a long history in the world, with vast land. More than 100 million people are engaged in agricultural activities in China. The main crops are rice, corn, wheat, rice, etc. Due to the increase in agricultural product output year by year, China has The export of agricultural products plays a decisive role in the world. Even the export volume of the United States is not as high as that of China. The Chinese not only support themselves, but also benefit the people of many countries in the world. The export volume exceeds 100 billion US dollars.
China ranks first in the world's major agricultural products
There are 65 globally important agricultural cultural heritages in the world, distributed in 23 countries and regions, and China ranks first with 18 projects. China ranks first in the world in terms of grain production and consumption, and China is the world's largest "granary." Meat production and consumption rank first in the world, and China is the world's largest "meat bank". It ranks first in the world in egg production and consumption. .Vegetable production and consumption rank first in the world, and China is the world’s largest “vegetable garden.” It ranks first in the world in fruit production and consumption. China is the world's largest "orchard". It ranks first in the world in cotton production and usage. Tea production ranks first in the world, accounting for 45% of the world's total. The production of edible fungi ranks first in the world, accounting for more than 70% of the world. The output of seedlings and flowers ranks first in the world. Tobacco production ranks first in the world. The production of honey and bee products ranks first in the world. Edible oil production ranks first in the world. China is the world's largest fishing country, with aquatic product output accounting for one-third of the world's total. It is the world's number one sheep-raising country, raising about 22% of the world's sheep. China is the world's largest producer of chemical fertilizers and the largest producer and user of agricultural machinery.



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