Do you know how sunflowers are grown - Lnnuts

Sunflower is an annual herb, because the sunflower flowers often face the sun and get the name, so also called sunrise flower, and the sunflower flower is very similar to the sun after opening, so the English name sunflower. We know that sunflower seeds are processed into melon seeds, so the economic value of sunflowers is very high. Today I will popularize the variety of sunflowers for you.

Sunflower is 1~3.5 meters tall, with an erect stem, round and angular, hard and covered with white coarse hairs. The broadly ovate leaves are usually alternate, sharply or taperingly apex, with 3 basal veins, coarsely serrated edges, rough on both sides, hairy, and long stalks. Cephalic inflorescence, 10~30 cm in diameter, single on the top of the stem or at the end of the branch. The total bracts are multilayered, leafy, shingled, covered with hard hairs, flowering in summer, and the edges of the inflorescences produce neutral yellow tongue-like flowers, not fruitful. The middle of the inflorescence is a tubular flower of both sexes, brown or purple, which is fruitful. Angular ovate lean fruit with lignified, gray or black peel, called sunflower seed. Its other names: sunrise flower, turning nichilian.

The sunflower seeds we eat are sunflower seeds, but because sunflowers are relatively large flowers, few flower friends will grow them at home, and in daily life, we do not often see sunflowers. If your garden is big enough and you are interested in planting your own sunflowers,Plant pots

Firstly,if you use seedling tray transplanting, you should sow on a deep seedling tray when sowing seedlings, and the seedlings can be transplanted two weeks after sowing. The optimal temperature for seedlings is 15°C, and the density of colonization is preferably 12x12cm. In areas where there is no frost in winter, it can be grown in the field yearly, while in areas with cold winter, cultivation in a protected area is required. The soil is ploughed and loosened before sterilization and soowing to improve the structure and drainage of the soil. Good soil permeability is essential for the growth of sunflowers.

Secondly, light regulation: sunflowers are short-day crops, but dense is not very sensitive to sunlight. Sunflowers prefer full sunlight and their seedlings, leaves, and flower discs are highly phototropic. The seedlings have sufficient sunshine and the seedlings are robust; Sufficient sunlight in the middle of growth can promote stem and leaf growth and flower bud differentiation.

Thirdly, temperature control. Sunflower is native to the tropics, but has strong adaptability to temperature and is a warm-loving and hardy plant. Sunflower seeds have strong low temperature tolerance, stable local temperature, and seeds above 2 °C begin to germinate; At 4~5 °C, the seeds can germinate and take root; When the ground temperature reaches 8~10 °C, it can meet the needs of seed germination and seedlings. The optimal temperature for sunflower germination is 31~37 °C, the most suitable daytime temperature for growth is 18~30 °C, and the night temperature is 10~18 °C. Sunflowers can grow normally throughout the growth process as long as the temperature is not lower than 10 ° C. In the suitable temperature range, the higher the temperature, the faster the development. To prevent the noon temperature above 25 °C, ventilation should be carried out, and the night temperature should be carried out to prevent heat preservation and heating below 13 °C

Fourthly, water and fertilizer management. When sowing and transplanting to the mouth sunflower, the soil is required to be moist, and then the soil is required to be moderately wet. When the flowers are ripe, reduce the number of watering times and the amount of watering. Ornamental sunflower plants are taller than other grasses, with many and abundant leaves, and are the crops that catch more water. The water requirements of different growth stages of Xiangri steaming vary greatly, from sowing to buds, which are relatively resistant to early and do not require much water. 

The last one, cultivation management: sunflower is not strict on soil requirements, and can grow on all kinds of soil, from fertile soil to barren soil, dry land, saline-alkali land can be planted, with strong salinity tolerance and drought resistance. The optimal soil pH is 5.8-6.5. In high-temperature facility cultivation, when the plant height is easy to elongate, it can be used once after the cotyledons are unfolded until the true leaves are expanded, and once again when the plant height is about 20 cm. Friends who have family potted plants can use peat soil or use seedling soil mixed with ordinary soil in random proportions to become cultivation soil. A plant can harvest 7~10 saleable flower stems The stem is up to 70~80cm, the height of the whole plant can reach 120~170cm, and some varieties will grow side buds at each node, which need to be removed in time to facilitate the growth of the main bud. Sunflowers grown in greenhouses grow higher. The main points of sunflower cultivation are: adjust the temperature difference between day and night, use low-nutrient starting fertilizer, and control water, fertilizer and light to control plant growth.

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