Comprehensively implement the seed industry revitalization action(三)

To revitalize the seed industry, we must protect intellectual property rights and encourage breeding innovation. As we all know, breeding is an innovative act full of uncertainty and huge cost. Exclusive intellectual property protection is usually introduced to encourage breeding innovation. my country's seed industry innovation, represented by new plant variety rights, has made remarkable achievements. The number of registered and authorized new varieties has ranked at the forefront of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants for many consecutive years. However, the overall quality of my country's existing new plant varieties is not high, imitation and modified breeding are popular, and the problem of homogeneous and low-level competition is prominent. Without adequate protection of intellectual property rights, it is impossible to innovate and revitalize the seed industry. We should focus on the implementation of the newly revised Seed Law, steadily introduce a substantive derived variety system by crop and in stages, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights in the seed industry, severely crack down on infringements of tampering in accordance with the law, and create a good market environment for the revitalization of the seed industry.

To revitalize the seed industry, we must keep an eye on the breeding frontier and seek breakthroughs. At present, international breeding has entered the breeding "4.0 era" of "conventional breeding + biotechnology + informatization", and my country as a whole is still in the "following" stage. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, conventional breeding accounted for 80% of the varieties approved by the state, and the pace of industrialization of biological breeding lagged behind. This makes innovative research and development of biological breeding stay more at the level of laboratory scientific research and exploration, mining of important breeding genes, key variety reserves, etc., and the gap with the international frontier continues to widen. To revitalize the seed industry, breakthroughs in cutting-edge breeding technologies are key. It is necessary to strengthen the research and development and application of a new generation of independent and controllable gene editing tools, launch major agricultural biological breeding projects as soon as possible, and do a good job in researching key core technologies in the seed industry through innovations in scientific research mechanisms such as public announcements and coordination between ministries and provinces.

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