The growth process of pumpkin


1. Germination period

After the pumpkin seeds are sown, the seeds begin to germinate until the cotyledons unfold and the first true leaf is fully exposed. This is the seed germination period. In order to promote the rapid germination of seeds after sowing, they can be germinated in advance. First, soak the seeds in warm water and place them at 25-30°C for germination to promote the germination of the seeds and the extension of the radicle. Three days after sowing, the root length can reach 3 cm. By the 4th day, the pumpkin plant can grow many lateral roots.

2. Seedling stage

The seedling stage of pumpkin is from the time when the first true leaf grows until 5-7 true leaves grow, and tendrils can wrap around the branches and leaves. In the seedling stage, axillary buds begin to sprout and grow, and the roots stretch and grow. The time of the seedling stage is not fixed. If the temperature is around 20-25℃, the time will be about 25-30 days. If the temperature is low at that time, the time of the seedling stage will be extended to about 40 days.

3. Vampire period

The vine-growing stage of pumpkin is from when 5-7 true leaves grow to when the first female flower blooms. This stage takes about 10-15 days. At this time, the stems and leaves grow faster, tendrils are drawn out, male flowers bloom one after another, and flower buds differentiate rapidly.

4. Flowering and fruiting period

The flowering and fruiting period of pumpkin is from the opening of the first female flower to the maturity of the fruit. At this time, the stems and leaves will grow together. It takes about 50-70 days from flowering to physiological maturity of sown melons. The opening time of female flowers is also different. The first female flower appears at the 5th-10th leaf node of the main vine for early-maturing pumpkin varieties, at the 10-18th node for medium-maturing varieties, and at 24th for late-maturing varieties. Around the leaf node.

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