Pumpkin Seeds Kernels Nuts & Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Top Quality New Crop Packaging Snacks In Bulk - Lnnuts


Pumpkin seeds are a popular snack that can be eaten raw or roasted and are often used as a topping in salads, granola, and other dishes. They are also commonly used in the production of pumpkin seed oil.

Pumpkin seed kernels are the inner part of the pumpkin seed that has been removed from the hard outer shell. These kernels can be eaten raw or roasted and are often sold in packages for snacking or used as an ingredient in various recipes.

Roasted pumpkin seeds are pumpkin seeds that have been roasted and seasoned with various spices, such as salt, paprika, or cinnamon. These are a popular snack and are often sold in small packages or in bulk.

Top-quality pumpkin seeds are typically new crop seeds that are fresh and have been carefully selected for their size and flavor. They are often sold in bulk and can be used for snacking or for various culinary purposes.

When it comes to packaging, pumpkin seeds are often sold in resealable bags or containers to keep them fresh. Bulk packaging is also common, especially for pumpkin seed kernels, as they are often used as an ingredient in larger quantities.

In summary, pumpkin seeds come in various forms, including kernels, roasted seeds, and top-quality new crop seeds. They are often sold in packages or bulk, with packaging designed to keep them fresh and preserve their quality.

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