How to make your baby's first bite of complementary Food Oil (Walnut oil)

After your baby starts eating complementary food, you can add complementary food oil appropriately. Complementary food oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which is very important for your baby's growth!

Today, as a mother, the author teaches you how to make homemade walnut oil.


First,shell it, boil it for ten minutes, take it out and rinse it in cold water, then tear off the thin skin of the walnuts. This process tests your patience the most. It took my mother-in-law and me about two hours to make two kilograms of walnuts.

After removing the thin layer of skin, I dried it in the microwave. I used high heat for five or six minutes. Pay attention to putting the walnuts in a thin layer on the plate, so that they will be very dry.

Finally, I beat it with a wall-breaking machine. I kept shaking it and beating it until it became a paste. I have to say that there is a reason why it sells for more than 100 cans. 

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