Focus on the 2024 Bayannaoer Two Sessions Directors’ Channel—Strengthening Enterprise Services and Promoting Stable Scale and Optimized Structure of Foreign Trade

Bayannur is an important node city in the “One Belt and One Road”. In terms of foreign trade exports in 2024, how will our city support the development of foreign trade enterprises and better explore the international market? Facing reporters’ questions, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Commerce Bureau Ji Yalin said that in 2024, the Municipal Commerce Bureau will follow the arrangements of the government work report and focus on three aspects: innovating foreign trade models, improving export quality and optimizing the commodity structure around the goal of improving export quality and efficiency. Accelerate the construction of international marketing networks and cultivate new foreign trade formats and models such as overseas warehouses and cross-border e-commerce. On the basis of the existing 5 autonomous region-level public overseas warehouses, 2 to 3 new overseas warehouses will be established to gradually form an international marketing network radiating to the Middle East, ASEAN and Central Asia, and lay out overseas exhibitions and sales with a total area of more than 50,000 square meters. Central and distribution warehouses. Support enterprises to adopt the cross-border e-commerce 9810 business model of "first-leg transportation + warehousing management + local delivery" to improve the level of overseas warehouse operations, and strive to serve 150 domestic and foreign enterprises within the year, and the transaction scale exceeds 200 million yuan.

Relying on the national-level research and evaluation base for technical trade measures for seed kernel products, we will continue to enhance the competitiveness and influence of our city's main agricultural products in the international market. Support enterprises to carry out independent innovation, R&D and design, and improve the quality and added value of export products through the implementation of intensive processing, technological transformation, transformation and upgrading and other projects. In accordance with the development ideas of consolidating traditional markets, expanding emerging markets, and cultivating peripheral markets, no less than 150 companies will be organized to participate in domestic and foreign trade integration exhibitions in a planned and targeted manner during the year, and do a good job in connecting domestic and international market rules and standards.

Promote a stable and optimized structure of foreign trade exports, further expand the export of mechanical and electrical products and high-tech products, develop service trade in agricultural machinery, fine chemicals, rumen capsules and other fields, and create an autonomous region-level characteristic service export base. Implement a new round of foreign trade transformation and upgrading base cultivation and construction projects, focusing on cultivating fresh corn, fresh peppers, Chinese medicinal materials, cantaloupe and other advantageous products. Within the year, a new customs-registered agricultural product export base of 10,000 acres will be built, with new exports of more than 50 million yuan. Support enterprises to carry out advanced customs AEO certification and optimize logistics channels and supply chain management in emerging industries.

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